Group Coaching: a continuum between individual and collective
In general, group coaching will serve each individual in the group and will employ processes, tools and engagements that include self-reflection, journaling, creative expression, group conversations, break-out conversations, one-on-one coaching observed with plenary feedback, and group-oriented awareness and feedback exercises.
By harnessing the best of individual coaching journeys and team coaching journeys, this type of coaching offers a unique type of engagement that is cost-effective for organisations and communities.

The two types of Group Coaching
Group Coaching Type 1:
In this type of group coaching configuration, a group of people comes together because they are interested in their personal development, while each brings their own theme, outcomes, goals, or challenges to the group.
A backlog is created with the number of sessions matching the number of people in the group, and each person provides their theme of focus for their session.
This means that each group coaching session is dedicated to an individual where one-on-one coaching is employed to serve that person’s theme and outcome, while the group observes, takes notes, and self-reflects on their learnings. After the coaching conversation, the group is invited to share their observations, learning, and insights and ask questions to support the depth of the coachee’s journey, as well as their own.
Group Coaching Type 2:
In this configuration, the group is brought together by shared themes, outcomes, or a series of outcomes. They may or may not share relationships with one another, but the main area of commonality is the outcome, theme, or topic(s) they have an interest in receiving coaching for.
An example of Group Coaching Type 2 being used is where an organisation invests in leaders to develop capacity around specific themes like Accountability, Difficult Conversations, Giving and Receiving Feedback, Strategic Thinking, Open Mindset or Trust.
A Community might want to engage in group coaching around a theme of Effective Communication, or Community Creation.

Examples of Type 2 Group Coaching in a coaching program
This Systemic Accountability theme for group coaching is a multi-part series to enable coachees to create, maintain and enforce accountability within a system such as teams, divisions, value streams or even communities. It enables coachees to:
- an understanding of what enables accountability
- how to create accountability with others effectively
- how to maintain and create a shared understanding of a clear commitment
- practical application of the concepts in case studies and exercises, with on-the-spot coaching
- how to keep others accountable
- how accountability is a function of relationships
- what is needed in the relational system to enable accountability and how to do this
- how to change your approach to communication to be flexible and effective
- how to self-regulate through awareness of thought, emotion, physical sensation and situational awareness
- various mental modes and communication structures that enable flexibility in creation and keeping to account
- why written formats do not support creation and enforcement of accountability
- what happens when accountability is directed at people
This multi-series group coaching theme on Difficult Conversations enables the coachee to understand the nature of difficult and courageous conversations, being able to
- effectively prepare for difficult conversations
- understand and work with their reactions, thoughts, emotions and physical sensations
- effectively use patterns in communication to create results that serve the higher goal
- how to apply various modes of thinking and communication to adapt their approach in the moment
- how to use listening as a means to shift conversations
- how difficult conversations serve to strengthen relationship systems
- the roles we take on in difficult conversations and how to navigate them effectively
- practical exercises, case studies and on-the-spot coaching
- Deeper exploration into some of the most prevalent and common organisational difficult conversations
This multi-part group coaching theme on how to Lead with Integrity explores events in our lives where there has been broken integrity. The general principle is that where there is a lack of integrity it is as a result of misalignment in our sense-making and values. When we uncover these misalignments, we are able to choose differently.
This series not only enables the identification of a personal integrity statement and its underpinning values, but also how it manifests in our personal lives, behaviours, decisions, relationships, communities, cultures and organisational systems.
This is a tool that can be used continually, long after the group coaching work has come to an end. See this as a starting point for more effective leadership by leading yourself and others more integrally.
Other themes may include explorations in:
- Facilitating Outcomes conversations for Individual Coaching in organisations
- Open mindset
- Giving and receiving feedback
- Communication
- High performing teams
- Listening
- Strategic planning
- Time, life-balance and decision-making
- Change
- Self-reflection and measurement
- Goal, purpose and value alignment
- Psychological safety
- Failure
What else?
Here is a FREE introduction to Systemic Accountability for leaders that you might be interested in.