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Data Privacy Notice


**Data Privacy Policy for WillCoach Pty Ltd**

Effective Date: 2020-03-01

This Data Privacy Policy (“Policy”) outlines how WillCoach Pty Ltd (“we,” “us,” or “our”) collects, uses, discloses, and protects personal information in the coaching industry context. This Policy applies to our interactions on LinkedIn, our website, and the Thinkific platform. By using our services, you consent to the practices described in this Policy.

**1. Collection of Personal Information:**
We may collect and process personal information that you voluntarily provide, such as your name, email address, contact details, and any other information shared during interactions with us.

**2. Use of Personal Information:**
We use the collected personal information to:
– Provide coaching services and related support.
– Communicate updates, relevant information, and service-related communications.
– Maintain records and manage our client relationships.
– Comply with legal obligations and protect our rights.

**3. Confidentiality Notice:**
Confidentiality notice: The notice in this link is considered part of this message under Section 11 of the Electronic Communications and Transactions Act, 2002, and its amendments. This email is intended for the sender and recipient only. If received in error, please report it immediately and delete it.

**4. Data Sharing and Disclosure:**
We do not sell, trade, or transfer personal information for marketing purposes. However, we may share information with trusted service providers who assist our business operations and service delivery, bound by confidentiality and security commitments.

**5. Your Rights:**
You have the right to access, correct, update, or delete your personal information held by us. You can also opt out of receiving promotional communications. To exercise these rights, please contact us using the details below.

**6. Data Security:**
We employ technical and organizational measures to secure and maintain the confidentiality of personal information. However, no online transmission or storage method is entirely secure. While we strive to protect your information, we cannot guarantee absolute security.

**7. Third-Party Links:**
Our website and communications may contain links to third-party websites. These sites have their privacy policies, and we are not responsible for their practices. Review their policies before providing personal information.

**8. Changes to this Policy:**
We reserve the right to update this Policy at any time. Revised Policies become effective upon posting on our website. Please check this Policy periodically for updates.

**9. Contact Information:**
For inquiries, concerns, or requests about this Policy or your personal information, contact us at:
– Email: [Your Email Address]
– Address: [Your Physical Address]

Using our services indicates your understanding of this Data Privacy Policy and consent to collecting, using, and disclosing personal information as outlined.


Data Privacy during a Coaching Journey

As a coach, I keep a coaching log as required by the ICF and EMCC for professional purposes. This log has a first name, the time and date of our session. This is a document that is securely stored on an encrypted and password protected, with 3D secure verification cloud service. The EMCC and ICF may, at some point, audit this log and they subscribe, as do I, to the data privacy and protection laws of their respective jurisdictions and the respective ethics and standards of their organisations to which I subscribe to as well.

You are welcome to request a session to be recorded. I will not use such recordings unless with your express permission. Recordings will be sent to you via a secure mechanism of your own choosing and then permanently deleted and shredded in my records. For research purposes I may refer to aspects of sessions had with clients and will remove any recognisable information that may serve to identify any aspect of your identity or context, this will also first be verified with you and permission attained. From time to time, I attend Supervision which is a requirement from the ICF and EMCC for professional coaches. The contents of our conversation are protected by confidentiality and ethics as the Supervisor also subscribed to the ICF and/or EMCC. The discussion is about my practice as coach, and not about the client.

From time to time I offer group coaching and training to the public using online tools. The privacy policies of these tools, including the platform on which the training is conducted is checked by me from time to time to ensure best efforts for security of data and remains your responsibility to also verify and check security of your data when using these tools. If you have concerns, kindly inform me immediately.